Beer brewing in the town is documented in the earliest evidence (1501), the Town Charter (1524) and the Guild Statutes
(1635). Brothers Július and Rudolf, sons of the goldsmith Alojz Herritz who married (1833) into the Boršický family of brewers, built a family brewery known as the Herritz brewery in the courtyards of the houses No. 6 and No. 7 on the Upper Square in the 1860s. The house No. 7 is unique in its design with a suspended cable roof. After the death of Július, the brewery was listed in the Commercial Register as Rudolf Herritz – brewer (1876). It was then rented to Grün et Popper and later to Jozef Grün and son (1892), since 1903 to Ármin Zsolnai and later Herkules. During the war, Ján Beňuš joined as
partner and then purchased the brewery from Kazimír Herritz (1948). By decision of the Department of Food Industry
(15. 2. 1951), the brewery became the property of the Czechoslovak state.
Source: Filip Glocko